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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We the people of the United States of Facebook... What’s Your Moral Obligation?

The hullabaloo over the recent change in Facebook’s Terms of Service (which today they returned to their previous TOS until they can come up with something better), has been fascinating and all - but something else has captured my imagination.

Just within the last twenty-four hours there’s been a shift in language around this online community that's expanding exponentially as I type.  Twice there’s been reference made to the number of Facebook users - now over 175 million.  That’s not news to most of us - but what is different is that the language has expanded from referencing an online community - to comparing Facebook to a country. A country people. The first reference was made yesterday in an article by Jessi Hempel for CNN Money.  

The second was made by Mark Zuckerberg, the creator and CEO, of FB himself. On the Facebook blog page yesterday, Zuckerberg referenced the size of Facebook and the fact that if it were a country it would be the sixth most populated in the world. He upped the ante even more by claiming that the TOS needed to be something more: “Our terms aren't just a document that protect our rights; it's the governing document for how the service is used by everyone across the world. Given its importance, we need to make sure the terms reflect the principles and values of the people using the service.”

In the true spirit of the new world order in which crowdsourcing is king, Facebook posted a Facebook Bill of Rights (Now catch this - when I just did a Google Search on Bill of Rights the Facebook page rises organically to the top - the US Bill of Rights on Wikipedia is second in line.) and requested feedback and suggestions about how the document should evolve.

The scene is now set for my overactive imagination. I’ll play Angel with my runaway mind today - and Devil in a post tomorrow.  The question - what is our obligation as citizens of Facebook?

175,000,000 users - and growing by leaps and bounds - that’s a lot of power folks.  So, what are we going to do with it? 

If we start thinking of this online international (70% of users are not in the U.S.) community as an online country with governing documents as sweeping as a Bill of Rights - what could that mean for the world?  Why not write a full-on Facebook Constitution? (Of course, we have to keep in mind the countries and peoples who have the capacity to participate in this creation. Most 3rd world countries would be left out.)

So - just go with me here a minute... Imagine that Facebook becomes a young country of heavily engaged and participatory citizens who demand - as they are wont to do now - that they help define the founding documents and principles of the nation.  Millions have an intimate role in crafting a Constitution in the Facebook fashion of communication.  Millions decide what information can be shared and who owns what. Millions begin to define the culture of a country that exists in the online environment - and those millions decide how that culture permeates the offline world.  These millions decide what rights are granted to certain groups of people.  A multi-national perspective on these issues would result in one interesting Constitution...   Could it be an opportunity to craft something even better than the U.S. Constitution?  How would it influence the offline world and our daily lives?

So here it is: Is there a way to use Facebook beyond a social networking tool?  As it evolves into a larger and larger international community, a country even, are there ways for civic-minded people who care about human rights to take control of the Facebook ‘government’ and influence the world for the better?  We know Facebook is connecting millions of people with one another every day... so again I ask - what are we going to do with that power?

My Dad, a judge and constitutional scholar, used to say to me “Tara, you’re privileged and you’re smart. Because of that, you have a moral obligation to give back to society what society cannot give to itself.” (I understand the subtle arrogance in this statement, but the intention is good - believe me.)

What is our moral obligation when it comes to participating in a community of this magnitude? To keep up our 25 Random Things lists?  To share silly albeit fun photos and watch all of our friends’ kids grow up?  Can’t we find deeper inspiration?  How can we put Facebook to use for a greater purpose?

If you had a hand in crafting a Constitution for such an enormously powerful population how would it read, and what rights would you grant your fellow citizens?

We the people of the United States of Facebook...

Tomorrow I’ll tackle what moral obligations Facebook as a company and Mark Zuckerberg as it’s leader might have?  Would love your thoughts...

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Splash into social media...

You know how you have these voices in your head sometimes - waging war over what you should or shouldn’t do?  Well, mine have been vacillating between "Jump!" and "Don't Jump!" for over three years.

Why? As the daughter of a political-junkie-turned-judge father I was bred for fundraising. Memories of my first house party reach back to when I was five years old. I remember passing out drinks and holding a candidate for U.S. Senate’s hand as he spun his pitch.  I’ve been stuffing envelopes since earliest memory - either for my Mom’s run for school board, or for her latest favorite cause.  My father’s mantra - ‘you have a moral obligation to give back to society what society cannot give to itself.’

I’ve lived by that code. I started working for a non-profit at eighteen and haven’t looked back.  Twenty years of fundraising and marketing for some of the best organizations and brightest non-profit visionaries in New England provide me with a wealth of experience of which I’m proud.  I’m passionate about mission-driven work and always will be...

But there’s always been this little voice... ‘Make something of your own.’ For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to ‘do my own thing’... have my own business. I’ve just been too afraid.  What if my idea isn’t good enough? What if I’m not ready?  Do I have enough knowledge?  And, I knew that whatever I wanted to create for a business would have to be intimately tied to the non-profit sector.  I just never knew where to start - and I didn’t know where the ‘sweet spot’ was.  

That is, until my friend Kelley-Sue started AleuroMedia.  A full-service interactive media marketing and development firm, Aleuro focuses on helping start-ups, established businesses, and non-profits leverage online and Web 2.0 tools to create and nurture community, strengthen constituent loyalty, and help make or raise more money.  At the beginning Kelley hinted that I might have something to contribute to this venture, but I was too afraid.  Afraid of the things all potential entrepreneurs are afraid of at one point or another.  The people who evolve into entrepreneurs are the ones who put the fear behind them and forge ahead.

I've decided that sometimes you just have to jump. Take the leap into a world that intuitively or otherwise, you know awaits your presence and participation (heed a calling so to speak). For me this manifested in my recent resignation from my full-time job as the Senior Director for Marketing and Development at New Hampshire Public Radio to 'do my own thing.'  I’ve joined Kelley-Sue as a partner in Aleuro. Yes - now. Yes - in this economy.  

What gives me the confidence to jump into an entrepreneurial endeavor today? I have a vision. I believe in the power of social networking to help non-profits and start-up businesses. And I believe that the time for organizations to truly embrace social media is now.  To succeed you need a community of loyal supporters.  Social media will support you in that work - especially in times like these.  Now I combine my fundraising and marketing background with my passion for social media. It’s a primary focus that allows me to help you acquire new supporters, build loyalty with your current stakeholders, and ultimately raise more money for the work you do.

If you haven’t jumped into the ocean of social media yet - hold your nose and take my hand.  The waves may be a bit choppy, but the water’s really just fine...

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